
Dow Polyurethane will attend the European International Polyurethane Exhibition

Editor:浙江振申絕熱科技股份有限公司 │ Release Time:2019-03-04 

Holgen, Switzerland, Polyurethanes, a division of Dow Chemical, has announced that it will participate in the 2009 European (Netherlands) International Polyurethanes Exhibition (Utech Europe 2009), which will show consumers its latest Innovation and a wide range of solutions, booth 2030。

  Change is a key feature in the coming period, and Dow believes that the current commitment to customers and the polyurethane industry will be more important than ever.。

  "In this extraordinary period, the relationship with consumers has become especially important. The economic environment is now exceptionally challenging, and being close to customers and working with them to develop innovative solutions will be a top priority for our work. We will further meet their needs to help the business grow. "Herman Motmans, Global Marketing Director, Dow Polyurethanes, said。

  This year, Dow will focus on the innovation and development of polyurethane product systems, including the introduction of VORATHERMTM polyisocyanurate, a series of products for the production of metal surface sheets, with excellent insulation and flame retardant properties. These new products will help rigid panel manufacturers keep up with market demand changes to meet higher flame retardant and thermal insulation requirements。

  Dow will also showcase its latest development, the new generation of VORATECTM polyurethane components, which increase energy and reduce costs.

  In addition, Dow will showcase new products such as HYPERLASTTM and DIPRANETM under the Dow Hyperlast brand. This is the first time that Hyperlast has demonstrated its products and technology at the Dow booth since its acquisition by Dow in 2007.